First graders engage in activities that foster creativity and excitement for learning. They begin the process of becoming responsible students as they develop organization, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills within a nurturing environment. Key curricular areas such as reading, language arts, mathematics, science, and global studies are the focus of a developmentally challenging curriculum, which is complimented by interdisciplinary units taught by specialists in science, Spanish, music, art, P.E. and technology. The social emotional curriculum is an integral part of instruction. Some of the highlights in first grade include learning introductory coding skills, designing and building projects in the Makerspace, service learning, writing and publishing, and learning about biomes around the world.
First Grade Highlights
Social-emotional and character curriculum supports the development of each child
Engaging, interdisciplinary, project-based learning projects
Differentiated instruction
Concrete hands-on experiences form the foundation of abstract learning
Daily physical education lessons
Optional healthy lunch program
Field trips
Service learning projects
Outdoor educational investigations
The Kindergarten spring performance